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Here at The Ashland County Council On Aging, we offer many comprehensive services for Senior Citizens of Ashland County. You can learn about them below.

Immediate Need


240 East 3rd Street
Ashland, Ohio 44805


Nutrition Services


The Nutrition Program offers a diet of health and happiness. Each weekday you can join others for a hot nutritions meal and socialization at the Congregate Meal Site located at 240 East Third Street in Ashland.


Reservations for both nutritional programs should be made by calling or emailing at least one day in advance before 10:00 a.m.



The Home Delivered Meal Program can offer homebound seniors meals in their homes. A combination of hot and shelf meals may be provided to those who qualify for the program. These hot meals are delivered throughout all 15 townships in Ashland County.


Meals are delivered Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m. and running until routes are complete. Call the Nutrition office to schedule an assessment for the program. 

Meal Truck.jpg
Homemaker Services


Our Homemaking Service can provide light housekeeping two times a month. This service is available to all Seniors in Ashland County Monday-Friday, with office hours from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. We require a home visit prior to implementation. For an assessment call or email our Homemaking Manager at: ON HOLD


Cleaning the Counter
Legal Services


Our Legal Service can provide referrals and financial assistance if you need to see an attorney. We offer free 45 minute consultations with an elder law attorney. For questions, contact the director at:


Elderly Couple Contract
Social Service/Activities


Our Social Services is the first step toward answering your questions or helping you solve problems. We can assist you with Social Security, Medicare, HEAP, Golden Buckeye Cards, applications for government assistance, and the completion of many types of forms.  We can provide information to make referrals to other resources if there is a need for a service we do not provide. Email:


Seniors Socializing
Transportation Services


Our transportation service provides safe door-to-door passage for those who cannot or should not drive. Transportation is available for all seniors 60 and above in Ashland County. This service is available for trips such as medical, beauty shop or barber appointments, grocery shopping, as well as out of town, medical only, trips to Wooster and Mansfield.

Reservations for transportation services should be made by calling or emailing as soon as possible. Email:


The Ashland County Council on Aging is non-discriminatory in services and employment.  Services and programs are funded by local, state, and federal dollars, United Way, grants, and the provision from the Older Americans Act for voluntary contributions for services.

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